Opportunity To Address Clark County Education Crisis With Frankfort


KY Education Commissioner Terry Holliday may have chosen to put education in Clark County at risk, but we have not. Holliday’s opinion of the crisis we are facing thankfully is not the majority in Frankfort. There are others with significantly greater impact and power who support the community as we fight on.

Tomorrow morning Rep. Andy Barr will be at Cairn Coffee House from 8:00 am until 9:30 pm. Some politicians have traded the trust we placed in them for personal or political favors. If we want Frankfort to stop playing Russian roulette with our kids’ future, we must say so.

Barr was campaigning at the Pioneer Festival in September. I knew his name but that was it. I had no idea what his platform was. He got my attention because he was the only politician there who was circulating in the crowd. While other politicians at the festival stood at their booths waiting for us to come to them, Barr was seeking us. Now, he comes to us again.

We have an opportunity to take our concerns to a politician willing to listen and act on our behalf. We cannot waste it. Stand Up Clark County and see Rep. Andy Barr at the Cairn Coffeehouse.

One Response to “Opportunity To Address Clark County Education Crisis With Frankfort”

  1. Reblogged this on The Joan Zone and commented:

    We are the people. We shall be heard. #clarkcountyschoolcrisis

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